Joshua Hervey
Stage Manager
Josh Hervey is a junior. He has previously done lights for Mary Poppins, The Curious Savage, and High School Musical. This is his first production as a stage manager. He would like to thank his parents, Mike and Angie Hervey, and his loving friends for their support.
Jake Smith
Assistant Stage Manager
Jake Smith is a freshman. This is his second production at Wylie. He previously served on the house crew for The Curious Savage. His hobbies include photography and listening to music. He would like to thank Mr. Shoemake and Mr. Holland for allowing him to be a part of this production.
Lydianna Bradford
Assistant Stage Manager
Lydianna Bradford is a junior. She loves photography, being outdoors, hanging out with friends, coffee, and queso. This is her first show as an assistant stage manger. She would like to thank her crazy five younger siblings, her dog Cocolatte Christmas, her mom, and loving friends.
Koleton Trumble
Kole is a Junior. He is active in the Wylie Pure Gold Band, A/V, and Tech Theatre.
Timothy Sturtevant
Light Board Operator
Timothy Sturtevant is a freshmen at Wylie high school and runs 5ks for fun. Timothy is currently taking a stem endorsement.