Avery Heyl
as Molly (orphan)
Avery is a 3rd grader and this is her first show! I wanted to be a part of this show for the experience. I love being on stage. Thank you to my dad for taking me to practice.
Kamya Muncy
as Kate (orphan)
Kamya is a 4th grader and this is her first time on stage and she is excited to be a part of this! Kamya auditioned to be in Annie because she wanted to try something new. Kamya thanks her parents for letting her do this play and for helping her with everything and to Mrs. Sutorius for giving her a chance.
Kelly Noameshie
as Tessie (orphan)
Kelly is a 4th grader. This is her second production. Kelly acted in Moana JR as an Ancestor, in the Shiny Ensemble and Monster Ensemble. Kelly wanted to act on stage because of her sister. She wants to say thank you to her mother and sister for their support.
Lillian Thornbloom
as Pepper (orphan)
Lillian is a 4th grader and is 10 years old. This is her stage debut! She has always wanted to act. She wants to say thank you to her mama, dad, Wyatt, and Mrs. Sutorius.
Winter Jones
as July (orphan)
Winter is 11 years old. Her first production was in Moana JR in the Ancestor Ensemble. Winter wanted to be a part of the show so that she could meet new people. She wants to thank her mom for her support.