We could not have created this production without the support and hardwork of many very talented and patient people. To you all, thank you for your time, efforts, creativity, and collaboration. You have all been a joy to work with.
Connie Campbell - thank you for all you do to make our productions successful, especially the extra time you have spent transposing music and training our young student conductors.
Lynette Gustafson - thank you for your flexibility and your creative ideas. The relationships you have with our students truly enrich their lives.
Doug Leavy - thank you for your volunteer hours, your willingness to build relationships with our students, and for your patience! You truly complete our team.
Carol Perry, Claire Bertsch, and Denise Fisher - thank you again for all of your time and creative costume genius. You have skills that bring our plays alive and without you the actors would be on stage in bags!
Jeannie Seals - thank you for taking on the responsibility of the box office and the front of house. This is a challenging job and knowing you are there to problem solve and oversee each area is a huge help.
Cathleen Hobson - thank you for organizing the volunteers, the snacks for the students and the student potluck. The potluck is am important tradition, but a big job.
Amber Baldus and Andrea Matthews - thank you for all of your attention to detail and for ensuring that our students are elligible for this activity, and that they have paid their fees!
The Custodial Staff (Linda and Kenny) - Once again, you have been incredibly patient and supportive of our production. Thank you for the extra timeand energy you have put into making sure that our auditorium loks great and that our dressing rooms are clean and ready for action.
The Administrative Staff - Thank you Del Garrick, Cindy Gannon, and Michael DeWall for your faith and trust. You allow us a lot of freedom in our department which allows our creative students to shine.
Woodland Park voters - Thank you for supporting our schools! Voting YES! for our schools shows us all, once again, that our community values education and schools commintted to making a difference in the lives of young people.