Ali Horton
Stage Manager
Ali Horton has been interested in theater since middle school and has become heavily involved with theater ever since. A few shows she has been involved in include: hair and makeup for Guys & Dolls, costumes for Kiss Me Kate, among various performances throughout her high school career. Ali plans to study Radiology and Liberal Arts in her upcoming college experience.
Ty Yeakley
Assistant Stage Manager
A future member of the Air Force Ravens, Ty is currently a member of NHS, Beta Club, and Thespian Society. He thanks Ben for being his buddy on the Tech crew and his parents for their support.
Ben Dodge
Running Crew Chief
Ben is excited for his future as a member of the USMC. He has enjoyed all of his years working Tech here at WPHS, and would like to thank Ty and his parents for encouraging him along the way.
Wyatt Bolen
Wyatt has been a part of the crew for the last two musicals. As a senior, he is looking forward to all that life has to offer him in the future. he would like to thank his family for their support.
Issac Leigh
Isaac Leigh has been involved in the theater program at WPHS for four years and is the Vice President of the Thespian Society. Additionally, he has been in the Madrigals for three years. He enjoys singing, acting, writing, playing music, and any other artistic act. Isaac is looking forward to going to Santa Fe University of Art and Design for creative writing this fall.