Working on this production of The Wizard of Oz has been very rewarding. Twice a week, for the past 5 months my day has been guaranteed to brighten, following a rehearsal with these 40 munchkins. Despite the days that, I'm sure, seemed to be dragging on for them, each cast member has become more invested in their role, responsibilty, and interest in the show, and I couldn't ask for more! To have such a large group of kids, at such a young age, come together in a cooperative and supporting manner was wonderful to watch, and it has not been an experience I soon will forget!
Thanks to my friend Tess who willingly came to every rehearsal as well as made the dancing look great despite my innate gracelessness, to all the parents who volunteered their time and efforts both before and during the show, and to the cast and crew for putting their hearts, minds, and courage into making this as memorable for you as it will be for us!