Mariah Texter - I have always been interested in acting growing up, in church and school I was terrified to play any speaking role. Theatre has brought out what I always wanted to do. With creativity being hidden, I had no idea what I was capable of. Theatre is not only a creative hobby or job that people have. It’s family, freedom, and finding yourself!
Ace Silva - This class has taught me that not everything will go as planned and that's okay.
Lucian Redgy Clermont - This class has given me peers I can relate to, and the ability to do what I love with people who love it just that much, or more. This class has given me a home at school and people I hope to one day call close friends.
Brooke Wagner - From being in Production and Preformce One, and then coming into Production and Preformace Two, my mind set has changed. I have learned that there is more then what you think that goes into a production. More then just the many many hours of work the actors and tech put in! There is the writting, the directing, the soical media, the costums, music, and so many more things. More credit needs to be given to people that not nessarly work at the theatre!
Oliver Houck - The class had helped me learn so much about devising. It has also helped me make so many friends. It has been an overall wonderful theater experience
Eris Schafer - It brought me closer to most of my friends but it was also the first show I have acted in over the 4 years of Theater I've done. It makes me want to act more and to explore more creative endeavors like making our own show. I'm very glad to have this experience.
Amanda Smith - This class has done so much for me that it’s impossible to name it all. However, I think that the most important thing it taught me was how to adapt. This show is basically a conglomeration of structured improv and learning how to let ideas go with the flow as well as to “do not think” has been a completely new experience. Ultimately, my newfound confidence in adaptation has taught me to trust that when everyone puts in effort, the product will match the effort put into it.
Dominic Becker - That this cause me to stand out a little more, getting myself out of my comfort zone . As the production , it brought more of us together and also learn more about everyone in the production. Lastly the production brought creativity to our own but also to myself brainstorming what I could bring onto the table for all to share.
Riley McCracken - It has given me an opportunity to work together with others. Any ideas I have, they have been heard by my peers and be used throughout the show. It has also taught me how theatre can be an escape for a bad day. If I was having a bad day, the cast always knew how to cheer me up!
Edwin Vargas - This class has taught me a lot about working as a team and the togetherness of the process of such a class. This class brings a great sense of chemistry and chemistry gets the job done a whole lot faster.
Cassie Iavarone - This class has provided me a lovely opportunity to create and enjoy time with my cast.