Our Wonderland - January 05 - January 07, 2023

Wilson High School
Wilson Theatre Company's
Production and Preformance Two Class
Our Wonderland


Adapted from the book by Lewis Carroll


Music by

Edwin Vargas, Ryan High, Sofia Arana Lyon


Adaptation and Book By Production and Preformance Two Class





Sofia Arana Lyon

Riley McCraken

Amanda Smith

Mariah Texter

Dominic Becker


Brooke Wagner

Eris Schafer


Evan Luigard

Edwin Vargas

Lucian Clermont

Ryan High

Cassie Iavarone

Oliver Houck

Ace Silva

"Our Wonderland" was blocked, written, scored, chorograohed, and so much more all by the Production and Preformance Two Class! They hope you enjoy the show!