The Sound of Music - March 02 - March 04, 2017

Wilmington Christian School

 Who's Who 

  • Morgan Tomazine

    as Maria Rainer

    (11) Morgan's past WCS productions include "Sunshine on Leith" (Ensemble/Cleaner), "Fiddler on the Roof" (Hodel) and "Cinderella" (Ensemble). In addition to participating in the musicals, Morgan also sings in the Concert Choir and Jubilee Singers and plays the clarinet in the Concert Band. Morgan wants to thank Mr. Polman and Ms. Schiller for the love, support and confidence they have in her to play the part of Maria. "I would like to thank my Dad, Mom and family for all of their love and support and encouraging me in everything that I do."

  • Francesca Fioravanti

    as The Mother Abbess

    (12) Francesca has been acting and singing in school productions since kindergarten. Past WCS productions include "Cinderella" (the Queen), "Fiddler on the Roof", (Hodel), "The Happy Journey from Trenton to Camden" (Caroline), "The Miracle Worker" (Beatrice), "Sunshine on Leith" (Training Instructor, Ensemble). Francesca is a member of the Select, Chamber, and Concert Choirs of The Wilmington Children’s Chorus. She sings with the WCS Concert Choir and has sung with the Jubilee Singers. Francesca attended the Governor’s School for Excellence in the Arts, and has represented WCS in the Delaware All-State Chorus. “I cannot thank you enough, Ms. Schiller and Mr. Polman for your encouragement. Special thanks to Señora Día, Mrs. Straley, Mrs. Eisenhauer, Mr. Haas, Mrs. Conteh, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Allston-Stiles, and Mr. Stevens, and all my family, for your love and faith in me.” Matthew 5: 1-12

  • Jaclynn Johnson

    as Sister Berthe

    (8) Jaclynn is enjoying her second experience on the WCS musical stage! She first appeared in the ensemble of “Cinderella” playing an old woman and a royal prince. Jaclynn studies voice and violin, and is a member of the WCS middle school choir, concert band, string ensemble as well as the Foundry Youth Orchestra. She was also accepted into the Delaware Jr. All State Chorus in 2016 and 2017. Jaclynn is thankful to God for the gift of music in her life and for all those who nurture her talents and love for music.

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