The Magic Flute - March 26 - March 28, 2015

William Carey University


William Carey University

 Winters School of Music








W.A. Mozart



 Musical Reduction and Lyrics created by Michael Borowitz for Opera Louisiane



 Directed by Kimberle Moon and Bethany Fagan


Conductor - Carlos Casilla-Nova


Technical Director - David Kanga




    Props Coordinator - Sarah Beth Sewell 


Choreographer - Aubrey Daniels


Costumes - Gina Beatty




Set Builders- John Davis, Cara Larsen, Daniel Logsdon, David Kanga, Jeremy Davis


Rehearsal Accompanists - Ben Dribus, Tanya Hobbie, Jerry Maddux, Brian Murphy


Technical Crew - Bailey Hill, Jeremy Davis, Peter Rupert, John Davis, Daniel Logsdon