Principal: Matthew Keith
Vice Principal: Heather Hackl
Moorestown Education Association
WAMS Custodial Staff
Superintendent: Dr. Scott McCartney
Director of Curriculum and Instruction: Carole Butler
Business Administrator / Board Secretary: Joanne D'Angelo
Personnel Director: Gail Reicheg
Arts & Technology Supervisor: Patricia Rowe
Costume, Hair, Makeup, and Artistic Volunteers
Student Ushers
Parents of the Cast & Crew
Moorestown Township Board of Education
Kathy Goldenberg, President
Brandon Pugh, Vice President
David Weinstein Dimitri Schneiberg
Sandra Alberti Maurice Weeks
Caryn Shaw Peter Palko
Anne Marie Reyher
Every effort was made to thank those who contributed to this show. Our sincere thanks go to those whose names were accidentally omitted or who helped after this program was printed.