Cinderella (Enchanted Edition) - March 12 - March 15, 2014

Will C. Wood High School

 End Notes 

Director's Notes


This year has been a year of big change for all of us involved in Wood Lively Arts. We had to say good-bye to our long time beloved choir director, Mr. B. This was very hard to do. Both for the kids in the program and for myself. Mr. B was the one who brought me into the Will C Wood Lively Arts/Sylvan Singer family and I will be forever
grateful for the opportunities he gave to me. I have now been working with Wood Lively Arts/Sylvan Singers for 20 years and this marks my 18th Spring musical.


When Colby Hawkins was brought in to take the reins I was thrilled. Yes, I have been around so long that I watched a Sylvan Singer go through the program, play the role of Marius in our version of Les Miserables, then years later come back to step into the choir director's chair. (Wow, I'm old!)

Which brings me to this years show, CINDERELLA! I knew that Cinderella was the
right choice for our musical this year. This was no easy feat since the Broadway
revival is set to tour very soon. They refused the rights and I was not happy.


Anyone who knows me knows I do not take no for an answer. At least not very well. So after months of pestering and negotiations we were able to secure the rights. And I am so glad that we did! I am so happy these two casts get to share this beautiful story with you.


These two casts are very special. I encourage you to see both casts. They are so


A huge thank you has to go out to everyone who has helped bring this
production to life. The parents, the WCW faculty and community of supporters. We could not do this without you!

Fairy Godmother: “It’s true everthing starts with a wish. But it is what you do with a wish that counts.”

I wished very hard that we would be able to share this story with you. I hope you enjoy what I did with my wish.


Mom, this one's for you.


-Staci Arriaga


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