It's Good to be Back!
First, let me say, it is exciting to be back doing live theatre again! It has been a bit of a learning curve this year. While last year we had the ability to edit, do retakes, perform scenes out of order, and adjust volume levels on the streamed video, this year students needed to learn how to perform the play from beginning to end no matter what happened in the interim. They have learned to work together to cover for each other during those “uh-oh” moments when a line is forgotten or an entrance or exit is missed. Students have helped each other run lines, work on scenes, and, most importantly, respect each other’s contributions to the production. These students are to be commended for making the most of the limited rehearsal time to create an entertaining night of theatre for you.
Parents, I want to thank you for putting up with the craziness of our rehearsal schedule and your support of the middle school theatre program. I am looking forward to working with your children again next year.
--P. Matanic
Don't Miss Improv!
Come on out next Friday, March 18, to our rescheduled improv show! The event is free and held in the Auditorium at 7 PM!