The Tempest, Reimagined - October 24 - October 26, 2024

Westtown School

 A Brief Summary of The Tempest 

The play begins with a storm at sea. Twelve years ago Prospero, the Duke of Milan, was usurped by his brother Antonio with the support of Alonso, King of Naples, and the king’s brother Sebastian. But for the help of Alonso’s advisor, in our version, Camilla, he would have been killed with his only daughter Miranda. Camilla furnished them with the means to survive, including Prospero’s precious books, and cast them to sea. They eventually landed on a remote island, once ruled by the witch Sycorax, but now inhabited by her only son Caliban. Upon his arrival Prospero released Ariel, a powerful spirit who had been enslaved then imprisoned by Sycorax before she died. Ariel promised to remain in Prospero’s service for the next thirteen years. He adopted Caliban as a student and taught him with Miranda, until he attempted to assault her. Prospero, aware that this is an auspicious day, has seen that a passing ship contains his brother and the coconspirators. Prospero commands Ariel to raise a storm to shipwreck the usurpers, so he can execute his revenge.


On the island the stranded travellers are separated, with the invisible Ariel directing their wanderings. The King of Naples searches for his son Ferdinand, fearing he has drowned. The king’s brother plots to kill him and seize the crown. The drunken butler, in our version, Liana, and thejester Trinculo, encounter Caliban and are persuaded to kill Prospero so they can rule the island. Ferdinand meets Miranda and the two fall instantly in love. Prospero sets heavy tasks to test Ferdinand and when he is satisfied that he has met all the challenges, Prospero presents the young couple with a betrothal ceremony celebrating, and testing, their new unity. As Prospero’s plan draws to its climax, he vows that upon its completion he will abandon his magic arts. Ariel brings the king and his followers to Prospero and he confronts his enemies. Finally, Prospero grants Ariel his freedomand prepares to leave the island for Milan and his Dukedom.

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