The cast, crew, and directors would like to sincerely thank the following for their support as we prepared to travel "Under the Sea!"
- Papa John and the WCA Administrative staff
- Paul Nelson and the WBC ministerial staff and congregation
- The WCA office staff for selling and managing ticket sales
- The WCA and WBC custodial staffs for your patience as we added to your work load
- Cast parents for selling ads, volunteering before and during the production, waiting for rehearsals to end, and allowing their students to have a chance to shine
- Jen Lathrop for selling an amazing 16 business ads
- God's Pit Crew for loaning us set pieces
- Melanie Paschal's Dance Creations for loaning us costumes
- Theatre Guild of Rockingham County for loaning us costumes and set pieces
- The directors would like to thank their spouses for their understanding, patience, and taking up the slack as we consumed ourselves with the production
- Most importantly, we would like to thank our savior, Jesus Christ, who has lavished upon us His grace and undeserved mercy. Our prayer is that any audience members who have not had the opportunity to know the One who created them and loves them with an everlasting love, will consider Him tonight. He is always waiting to welcome you into His loving care.
"Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or aftraid." John 14:27