Dancing at Lughnasa is presented through special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service. 440 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016 Phone: 212-683-8960 Fax: 212-213-1539 www.Dramatists.com
References to ANYTHING GOES are included by permission of the Cole Porter Musical and Literary Trusts.
Reference to THE ISLE OF CAPRI by Wilhelm Grosz and James Kennedy are included by permission of Polygram International Publishing Inc. and Warner Bros., Inc.
©2020. This Audio & Video recording was produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service and [AUTHOR]. All rights reserved. This performance is authorized for non-commercial use only. By accepting the Audio & Video recording, you agree not to authorize or permit the Audio & Video recording to be copied, distributed, broadcast, telecast or otherwise exploited, in whole or in part, in any media now known or hereafter developed.
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