Hairspray, Jr - April 19 - April 20, 2018

Western Guilford High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Mr. Elan Misrahi head shot

    Mr. Elan Misrahi

    Rehearsal Pianist and Music Assistant Director

    Elan Mizrahi is primarily a Bass Trombonist from Annapolis, MD. He attends the University of North Carolina at Greensboro studying music education and music performance. During his time in Maryland, Elan played with multiple selective ensembles including the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Throughout high school, Elan won multiple awards including honorable mention at Essentially Ellington: Philadelphia for jazz trombone solo and the Louis Armstrong Jazz award. On his own time, Elan visits schools in the Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Greensboro area helping to teach high school and middle school orchestras, bands, and choirs.

  • Maria Perry# head shot

    Maria Perry#

    Stage Manager

    Maria is a freshman this year who jumped into theatre with both feet. She worked as Assistant stage manager for Dorothy in Wonderland and quickly worked herself up to stage manager for a mainstage musical. What an honor and privilege! She is an asset to the theatre program according to Mrs. V.

  • Danielle Kramer* head shot

    Danielle Kramer*

    Assistant Stage Managers

    Senior Danielle Kramer has been involved in theater since 10th grade. Danielle has been stage manager of three plays. Currently an athletic trainer and on the varsity swim team, she continues to do theater because of the accomplishment of each show. Danielle plans on going to college for Kinesiology but also plans on having involvement with Theater. Her favorite play has been Horror Movie 101.

  • Jaylyn Wilson# head shot

    Jaylyn Wilson#


    Jay has been involved with theatre for three years since his sophomore year. He enjoys writing poetry and plays, and making films and music. He has also has done sound both for Western's theatre and outside of school for 2 years. He loves naruto. He wants to give a shoutout to "my boys" #getmymixtape

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