This production combines the unique and varied talents of over 70 students, staff and community members. The entire ensemble would like to say a very special thank you to the following:
- Lisa Kneeshaw, Fine Arts Booster President, for always being there with a positive attitude and helping hand.
- Lynn Barefoot, Fine Arts Booster Treasurer, for always being so quick to turn over finanancial needs for the musical.
- Nathaniel Wicks & Gene Wrench, for your visions and time devoted to our musical set designs
- Hannah Jernigan for your organiztion and expertise in costume design.
- Heather & Pam Earp for always making sure we have the best props, and for organizing backstage duties.
- Jay Acres for being so generous with your sound equipment and time with installation and balancing microphones.
- Dallas Bowden for always making sure we have enough tech equipment to do what we need.
- Sam Lam for always being attentive to our advertising needs.
- Yudora Johnson for always pulling out your magic for the look of our lobby.
- Band, Chorus, and Dance Booster Clubs for always helping our fine arts world go round.
- WJHS Administration, faculty and staff for your support of what we do.