Dear Edwina JR. - April 19 - April 20, 2024

West Clermont Middle School

 From Your Directors: 

I recently had a conversation with a colleague about our high school senior awards nights and how underappreciated we felt having not earned as many scholarships or awards as others because we dedicated our time to different pursuits.


Instead of taking every available AP class for that GPA boost, we took choir, band, drama. We did work-studies, took private lessons. We were worked backstage and performed onstage for every fall and spring musical!


And we had fun. We had a blast.


But on senior awards night, we weren't recognized.


Which is silly.


Where are the awards for consistently providing the high Cs in choir? Or for being in marching band and going to every football game?


Artistry, kindness... we aren't always going to be recognized for our accomplishments behind the scenes. Our test scores won't show you how talented we are. Our GPA does not measure our professionalism. There are no gold medals for friendship or leadership, but "we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams; we are the movers and shakers of the world forever, it seems."


And that's why we love the final lines of this show.


"What's more reward than a hug from your sis

or the fact that your friends had a ball?

Don't think about prizes, just do what you love.

And that's the best advice of all."


Welcome to Dear Edwina Jr. and enjoy the product of our passions. We hope you learn something!

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