Debra Breeding
Box Office
This is the third musical production at WCHS that Ms. Breeding has been working in the box office and other duties for Vocal Boosters. She is currently the Vocal Boosters treasurer. She is the very proud great aunt of Jonah Wilson (Princeton/Rod). Best of luck to the awesome cast, pit, and crew! Bring on the fuzz and have a monster show!
Tyler Brown
Tyler is a student at Youth Connections. He worked backstage last year in "Frog and Toad." Tyler enjoys time to himself and with his girlfriend and drawing.
Donald Hayes
Light Board
Donald Hayes is a returning alumnus and this will be his fifth show here at WCHS. Donald loves jeeps, mudding, working on cars, and spending time with his girlfriend, Dani, who is also in the show. He is more than excited to be a part of the production Avenue Q.
Emily King
Emily has been in the high school's musicals since fourth grade. Now that she has graduated, she is excited to be back to help out backstage this year. To the cast - break legs!
Austin Kinton
This is Austin's second year running a spotlight. He is a proud member of the Pirate Marching Band and track.