Mary Poppins - May 20 - May 22, 2016

Weeki Wachee High School

 A Note from the Director 

With every job when it's complete,

there is a sense of bitter-sweet;

that moment when you know the task is done.


Though in your heart you'd like to stay

to help things on their way,

you've always known they must do it alone.

Mary Poppins


Mary Poppins' reflection on her time with the Banks family is the perfect echo of my feelings regarding my time directing this musical, and serving as the Choral and Musical Theatre Director at Weeki Wachee High School for the past six years. This has been an exceptional group of young adults that I have had the privilege of working with. Their talent is only surpassed by their work ethic and passion. The sense of ensemble between the cast, crew, and the production team, where all know their own value as well as the value of the others is truly magical. The sense of respect toward the art, and the constant drive for excellence by all involved with this ensemble has truly been the pièce de résistance to my tenure here. It is truly bittersweet to leave my Weeki Wachee family as I return to the University of South Florida to purse a PhD in Music Education. 


To my Students: "'Tis you that are the music, not your song." I pray that you will continue to grow, continue to strive, and serve your community with your song. I've never directed a group of students like this before. You are truly special. Go change the world by being the change you want to see.


To the Production Team: Thank you for giving so much of yourselves so that the students could have this experience. Your investment of time, energy, and even financial sacrifice will be repaid in ways that you cannot fathom. 


To my Colleagues and Friends: Thank you for all that you do to support students and arts education. This generation is worth it. Thank you as well for your friendship and constant encouragement. Some of you have helped me stay true to myself and my values in both the highs and lows. You know who you are.


To the Custodial Staff, Guidance Counselors, Bookkeeper, and Secretaries of WWHS: It is due to your dilegence, kindness, helpfulness, and professionalism that a production of this magnitude could even happen. I appreciate you all, and our friendship.


To the Parents: Thank you for putting up with me so that your students can have these opportunities. We do a lot, and are always on the go. Thank you for driving them, giving up your time with them at home, making costumes...the whole nine yards. Booster Parents, you are an exceptional group of people. Thank you for your sacrifice.


To Katherine, Niko, and Conner: This show, and frankly, my career have been so hard on you. You sacrifice so much so that other children can have my time, attention, energy, compassion, and guidance. While I love my students, you three are my heartbeat. I love you more than you can fathom, and thank God for entrusting you to my care.


To Eric: You have been my rock. Thank you for loving and supporting me in spite of my career choice. I love you forever and a day.



Thank you all for your support of Arts Education, and the choral and theatrical endeavors of our students. Please continue to promote music in our schools to everyone you know. The study of music activates the brain, soothes the soul, and enriches lives for the better in ways that science has not yet been able to qualify. 

God Bless,

Morgan Burburan

Mark 12:30-31


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