Seth E. Buckwalter
as Rafiki
Seth is in 7th grade and has starred in The Wanderer (Hotel Keeper) and Guys and Dolls (Nicely Nicely Johnson). He is involved in many school activities and enjoys spending time with his family.
Brodie Cole
as Mufasa
Brodie is in 8th grade and is actively involved in his school and community as a library volunteer. He also enjoys playing guitar and being involved in boy scouts. This is Brodie's first performance.
Angelica Dyer
as Sarabi
Angelica is in 8th grade and loves musical theatre. She began her acting career in Guys and Dolls. She is involved in softball, chorus, girls ensemble, and band.
Erin Meagher
as Zazu
Erin is in 6th grade and is new to our stage. This is her first performance in Disney's The Lion King. She is involved in soccer, basketball, voice lessons, and is an altar server at her church.
Rochelle Keast
as Scar
Rochelle is in 8th grade and has starred in many musicals including School House Rock Live (Shulie), The Little Mermaid, R&H Cinderella, and Guys and Dolls (Miss Adelaide). She is involved in basketball, reading competition, band, chorus, girls ensemble, and dance.