I can't think of a better way to kick off the holiday season than with a lovely retelling of A Christmas Carol. This particular version, adapted by Mark Torres, contains all the major plot points and allows a very talented group of people the opportunity to tell this beautiful story of redemption.
This production has been a joy to put together. I'm joined by many friends, old and new, and it is my directorial debut with WOBCP and I hope the first of many more productions.
We all know the lessons taught in this story. Take the time to appreciate the things you have, the people you have in your lives, and be charitable to those who are less fortunate. I hope you leave the show with a sense of purpose and the promise to give back.
Mostly, I appreciate your support of live theater in our community. Everyone participating in this production volunteers their time to share their love of theater with you, our audience and community. Happy Holidays! |