Into the Woods - November 01 - November 10, 2018

Walnut Hills High School

  Department Notes  



The Walnut Hills Theatre Department is a proud member of the International Thespian society, troupe 456.


 President: Lydia Noll

 Vice President: Milan Parikh

 Secretary: Talia Raider-Roth

 Historian: Naomi Stoner




The Walnut Hills High School Theatre Department is a proud member of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of The Cappies- a national writing and awards program that trains high school theatre and journalism students to be expert writers, critical thinkers, and leaders. Student critics vie to be published in local media outlets by attending productions at other schools and writing critical reviews.  At the end of the season, a Tonys-like celebration occurs, where all nominated shows perform a cutting or the critics' choice song, and the final Cappies awards are presented with a trophy by regional critics and peers.



Reeya Dighe (Lead Critic)

Clare Brennan

Nadya Ellerhorst

Sam Frank

Iris LeCates

Kennedy Nadermann

Christina Picklo

Allyson Standley

Naomi Stoner








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