Something Rotten! - April 19 - April 21, 2024

Wallkill Senior High School








Theatre is a science.

Theatre is mathematical.

Theatre is a foreign language.

Theatre is history.

Theatre is physical education.

Theatre is a language art.

Theatre is art.

Theatre is business.

Theatre is technology.

 Theatre is economics.


Theatre is taught in schools...
Not because one is expected to major in theatre.

Not because one is expected to perform all through life.
Not so one can relax.
Not so one can have fun.


But so one will be human
So one will recognize beauty.
So one will be sensitive.
So one will be closer to an infinite beyond this world.

So one will have more love, more compassion more gentleness, more good...
In short...more life.


Of what values will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live?


That is why theatre is taught in schools.

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