Kyle Weslowski
as Charlie Brown
Kyle is thankful to have the honor of being Charlie Brown in this year's play. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is his eighteenth show. He is also directing the Middle School production of "Shrek Jr." at SS Seward Institute. He would like to thank his wonderful director, Mrs. Harrison, for this wonderful opportunity
Season Ciriello
as Lucy
Season is an 11 year old homeschooler from Warwick, NY. Her previous performances with WRC Theater Company include Ethel in Twinderella, Abigail in The Invitation and part of the comedy ensemble in Live From the Sanctuary! She is thrilled to be playing Lucy in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and would like to thank Margaret Tench and her fellow cast mates for a memorable experience.
Michael Wajda
as Linus
Michael is extremely happy to take part in a "A Charlie Brown Christmas" as Linus. A veteran cast member, Michael is currently a Sophomore at Burke Catholic and manages the theatre company website, social media pages, and whatever else Miss Margaret usually needs. He would like to thank his influences, Miss Margaret and his parents for convincing him to act.
Hunter Harrison
as Snoopy
"A Charlie Brown Christmas" is Hunter's seventh show with WRC Theatre Company. He goes to Sussex Christian School. An avid water bottle flipper, Hunter believes that "Ball is life".
Katlin Kostic
as Sally
Katlin is in Sixth Grade at Minisink Middle School. In addition to acting, Katlin loves to dance. This will be her fifth production with the WRC Theatre Company. She is thrilled to be acting in "A Charlie Brown Christmas."