Director’s Note:
What makes a great story?
This is our story to tell and it has been a wonderful time building and telling the story with all the members involved. Stories have characters, plots, twists and turns as the characters fate is unraveled before our eyes. Our story has all of this and much more. In our story today we find out that that anything is possible when you set your mind to it. This mirrors growing up and facing the challenges whatever life has to throw at us. We are glad that you have joined us today to be part of our story.
It has been a great pleasure to work on this production with everyone. I am very pleased with all the dedication that everyone has shown over the past few months and most recently over the last week. Working this production has been an excellent opportunity for me to get to know all the students in a different light and see their talents blossom. I am happy to state that their hard work has paid off while taking ownership of the characters and jobs associated with this performance. The Cast and Crew have surpassed my expectations and should be commended for a job well done!
It has also been a privilege and a pleasure to work with all the parent volunteers involved in the show. I know the many late nights of building sets, gathering food, serving food, and sound checks have been a blessing that I will never be able to repay. My gratitude is yours and thanks to you from the bottom of my heart.
I guarantee that you will enjoy today’s production of Mary Poppins, Jr. I believe that it takes a village to raise a child and in this case, it took a united community to build this show. All in all, it comes down to two things: one, great kids to work with; and two great parents and community that believe in their children. I firmly believe we have both here in Brunswick and I am glad to be a part of such a community. Again, thank you for this opportunity working with your kids and making our story possible. It truly has been a great run. Now sit back and enjoy the show!
Mr. Albright