Into the Woods - January 12 - January 14, 2018

Village Light Opera Group

 Guild List 


The Village Light Opera Group, Ltd. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit community theatre corporation. In order to continue to provide high quality entertainment we must rely on the generosity of our donors and benefactors of the VLOGuild. We encourage you to join the VLOGuild and become a vital part of our ongoing success. Please see a member of our front of house staff to make a donation today, or visit



 2017-2018 Season VLOGuild Donors



Patron ($500-$999)

Robert Paulson, Harry Schutz


Benefactor ($200-$499)

Christine Burns, Bob Davidson, Gordon Leavitt, Christopher Krauss &

Adrienne Franco, Janice Keller-McDowell, Michael Haring


Special Friend ($100-$199)
Cathy Cavender, Jeff & Langley Danowitz, Brian Haring, Stephanie Haring,

Judith Hazen, Geoffrey Horlick & Sally Sherwood, Gregory Hounsell,

Norman Keller, Jeff & Abby Kurnit, JC Lindstrom, Leo Lopez, Karen Mason,

Barry Mastellone, Janet McDougall, Joeph Rosta, Patty Shay, Michael Thomas, Amy & Michael Tietz, Tina & Jerry Throckmorton, Guillermo R. Venegas,

Judith & Peddrick Weis, Barbara Zulis


Very Good Friend ($50-$99)

Jodi Carter, Jon Carriel, Marjorie Dovman, Elissa Finkelstein,

Professor Michael Gertner, Lynne Greene-Brooke, Sandra King, Don, Andrea, & Miranda Knutson, Judith Levine, Maggie Mahony, John Nelson,

Liz & Larry Reznick, Yvonne & Richard Schrader, Judy Schwab,

Ron & Emily Shuppy, Patrice Sokolowski, Dr. Barnett Zumoff


Friend ($25-$49)
Becca Garcia, Dr. Stephen Glassberg, Naomi Harley, Peggy McGuinness,

Anthony Richardson, Yvonna Schrader, Mary & Brian Thomas


And our Facebook #GivingTuesday Supporters

Warren Berger, Michael Blatt, Sean Cullen Carroll, Jen MacNeil Danenberg, Barbara Janice, Leslie Kogan, Mary Kathryn Monday, Andrew Roberts,

Abby Shuppy, Stacey Simon, Karen Taylor

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