Ryan Bussert
as Narrator
Ryan Bussert is 12 years old and will be an 8th grader at Haines Middle School in St. Charles. He enjoys acting, singing and video games. He is so happy to be part of his 3rd show at Vero Voce. He is having so much fun with all of the new friends he made this show.
Abageal Phelan
as Cinderella
Abageal is ecstatic to be in Into the Woods! She is a freshman at Geneva High School this year. Some of her favorite roles include Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Snow White (The Adventures of Rose Red), and Ariel (The Little Mermaid). When she is not on stage she enjoys baking, netflixing, and hanging out with friends. She would like to thank David and Dawn for all their help! Enjoy the show!
Dan Keller
as Jack
Dan Keller is going to be a freshman at West Aurora High School in the fall. He is happy to be in his third show at Vero Voce, including Children's Letter's to God(Theo) and Hansel and Gretel(Hansel). Dan would like to thank his directors, family, and most importantly God for this amazing opportunity. Enjoy the show!
Rachel Tork
as Jack's Mother
Rachel Tork is 14 years old and is going to be a freshman this year at Geneva High School. She has been in several shows, and this is her third show at vero voce. She would like to thank the directors and the awesome cast. Enjoy the show!
Cameron Tucker
as Baker
Cameron Tucker is a 15 year old sophmore that is bursting with excitement! This is his second show at Vero Voce and he is confident he'll get everything right this time around. Cameron would like to thank his parents and brother for encouraging him to act and his sister for being in the show with him and making it 100X better!