Welcome to Truvy's Beauty Spot in Chinquapin Parish, Louisiana - we are so glad you're here! The cast, production team, and I have had a blast as we immersed ourselves into this wonderful script. Our actresses are truly amazing! We have two making their theatrical debuts (pretty spectacularly), two with a lot of theatrical experience, and two that have been in a few shows - it has made this process so fun as we have all learned from and loved on each other. I know that you'll fall in love with these characters and our interpertation of this story!
I cannot say this enough - Thank you for supporting local theatre! The arts teach us about other people, cultures, family, friends, life, and so much more. They help us understand others. They teach us about ourselves. Let's support the arts in any way we can - buy a ticket to a show, go to a local art exhibition, fight for the arts in our school systems, donate or volunteer at a local theater, support local artists, and spread the word about arts opportunities in your area.
Here at Velvet Chair Theatre Company, our mission is to foster a love for the arts in Northeast Mississippi. We exist to educate and train individuals in the world of theatre. We strive to inspire the community and our beloved audience members as they experience true joy, sadness, wonder, suspense, excitement and many other emotions that live theatre brings out in us.
Whether or not this is your first time seeing a play or your 100th time, I hope you are able to sit back with your snacks and enjoy these wonderful ladies as they bring this beloved play to life. We invite you to laugh and cry with us as we take you on this journey. As Truvy says, "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
Velvet Chair Theatre Company, Artistic Director