Cast Members
Granny/Snow White
Sally Basaka
Giant/Sleeping Beauty
Raelynn Colls
Rapunzel/Cinderella's Mother Swing
Isabelle Evans
Cinderella's Stepmother
Emily Farida
Cinderella's Mother
Allison Flickinger
Wolf/Cinerella's Father/Milky White
L Flores
Little Red Riding Hood
Katelynn Emily Grunstad
The Baker's Wife
Katrina Heil
Rapunzel's Prince
Tristan Heil
Stevie McGuire
The Baker
Anthony Morris-Podzamsky
Cinderella's Prince
Cedric Shaw
Jack's Mother
Hailey Varhola
Narrator/Mysterious Man
Sky Weeden
Production Crew
Stage Manager
Samantha Alejo
Assistant Stage Manager
Cory Jimenez
Sound Designer and Board Op
Ryan Peck
Light Board Operator
Sean Sumner