Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka - July 15 - July 17, 2016

Urbana Park District Youth Summer Theatre

 Director's Note 

Words from the Director:


Typically when a director sits down to write one of these, they go into lengthy detail about the symbolism behind the show and "why this show now." While I will talk a little bit about the general show and my hopes for what you in the audience will walk away with, I figured I would start with a little story.


Years ago, sixteen to be exact, there was a five year old who entered this program during a production of Annie. She would go on to perform in the program the following years, usually given roles in the chorus and some minor roles during her middle and high school years. Funny enough, this girl also thought she was going to be a doctor when she grew older. Yet that little, five year old girl who ran across the Parkland College stage muttering the lines of the lead actors, is now the (almost) college graduate who has had the pleasure of directing the program this summer. While I'm sorry to my mom and dad about not fully pursing medical school, I think I've finally come home. For a while I lost sight of that five year old me who loved every minute of being apart of something bigger than myself. But it was over the course of this summer and speaking to the amazing cast that I think I have finally found her again.


Like Charlie Bucket, I have found my way to "Think Positive" even when it's two weeks till tech and there's still blocking to clean up. I've found how to be humble and appreciate the little things. It would warm my heart to see a member of the cast nail a piece of choreography and then see their face light up, or laugh with the cast when a lead actor fumbles quite hysterically over a line during rehearsal. While it was not without its bumps in the road, this production has been one for the books.


Something that drew me into this script in particular after receiving it from Erica, was the amount of time that the playwright spent focusing on the Bucket family and their home. It led to very in depth conversations between the cast and I, especially the Bucket family, about what it's like to have so little but to treasure so much. While the Bucket family is not homeless, there are things they go without. And while asking young performers to portray such real roles was not an easy task, I was fortunate enough to be granted such talented and understanding actors. They faced every obstacle I could come up with and came through with so much more - I continue to be astonished.


My only wish is that each audience member walk away feeling thankful for the people in their lives and a bit more humbled. While the story often gets showered in lollipops and chocolate, it's the story of a young boy (or girl) and their unrelenting optimism in the face of such tragic circumstances that I believe should truly shine through.


To my amazing cast - it is with a full and happy heart that I say thank you for all of your ideas, laughs, hard work, passion, and smiles. I truly could not have done this without each and every single one of you.


To my seniors who are leaving the program - I cannot wait to see what you go out and accomplish in the years to come. My wish for you all is that no matter where life takes you, you know that you will always have a home in this program; we will miss you.


To the parents of the cast - thank you for your time, volunteering, patience and the late nights; for giving me, Noah and Margot your children for the summer and trusting us with them. This production would not have happened without you either.


So while I could go on all night about how amazing an opportunity this summer has been, I believe it is time to get on with the show. So thank you for coming and, it is with great honor and unrelenting gratitude that I present to you the Urbana Park District's Youth Summer Theatre production of Willy Wonka. Enjoy the show!


Katie Odom

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