Ayden Sherwood
In my sophomore year of high school, my best friend, Adam Vancil, convinced me to join theatre and I am thankful every day for him doing that to me. He changed the course of my life forever by bothering me nonstop for a week to sign up for the fall play. I have met so many amazing and talented people through theatre and it has brought me so much joy.
Since joining, I have worked on every single play that we have put on and I don't regret a single moment of it. I have grown so much as a person and as a theatre nerd. I am happy that I gave in to my friend's pestering and signed up for the show. I want to thank everyone for being such a supportive community and a special thanks to Ms. Serbus for always believing that I can be great.
And last, but not least, I want to thank Adam Vanicl for dragging me here. My life definitely would not be the same if he didn't convince me to give it a shot.