Owen Lundeen
as Captain Georg von Trapp
Owen is a senior and very excited to be playing Captain Von Trapp in his last musical with UEHS. His other musical roles include Uncle Wes in Footloose and Dennis Dupree in Rock Of Ages. Owen has also performed on-stage for the Drama Club shows The Desk Set, Geek, It's Not You It's Me and Check, Please. He's worked backstage for Willy Wonka Jr., The Little Mermaid Jr., and Aladdin Jr., and on Shrek The Musical Jr. and Mulan Jr. as Assistant Stage Manager. Outside of stage productions, Owen is an avid music lover, playing French Horn in the Concert Band, trumpet in Jazz Ensemble and singing with the UEHS Chorale and Jazz Choir. He is also a 3 year Mellophone Captain in UE Tiger’s Pride Marching Band. Owen would like to thank his friends and family for their constant love and praise, his directors for an exciting opportunity, and his fellow cast mates for nothing but unconditional support. And of course, he hopes you enjoy the show!