UDC Dance Showcase 2016 - June 03 - June 03, 2017

Ultimate Dance Center

 End Notes 


Words from the Directors




The Opening of Ultimate Dance Center

has been a labour of love.

Each day we learn more about putting this dream in motion.


A dream of bringing dance to the community, for everyone to enjoy the benefits of dance and dance-related fitness in their lives and their families lives.

I'm so proud of how far we have come in such a short while with thriving enrollment of all ages, Competition Team, FrediDanceProject, UDC Master Class Series, Summer Sessions, Division Opera along with our private rental clients for all types of fun filled parties and events.


The UDC Instructors Team work daily to do their very best to provide great dance classes that both engage our students and train them in the true art of dance while Administration Staff tends to the many daily tasks of keeping our UDC Community informed and inspired by our unique dance center programs.


We hope to see many of you throughout the summer and at registration again in the fall for a continuation of this beautiful beginning at Ultimate Dance Center.
Our goal is to continue bringing you the best in dance!


                                                                                      -Freddie DeJesus



Thank you to all the dancers, parents, and families for all your support!  We have had an amazing beginning to Ultimate Dance Center and it couldn’t have been done without you.  Dancers you have worked so hard in class every week to give Ultimate Dance Center its first “Best In Dance” showcase. I’m so excited to watch you shine on stage.


Kayloni, Josh, Melody, Patty, Brooke, Krista, Alicia, Hannah, Dreama, and Dawn thank you for believing in our dream and joining the Ultimate Dance Center family!  It has truly been a pleasure watching you share your time, thoughts, talents, and choreography.


A special thank you to Jennifer Nixon and Freddie DeJesus.  Without Mrs. Nixon Ultimate Dance Center wouldn’t exist.  It was her passion for the growth of dance in our community and the want for a better dance center for everyone.  Oh, Freddie where do I begin.  Lol!  Thank you for taking a leap of faith.  I’ve known you for years but never truly knew how talented and passionate you are about dance.  I have learned so much from you and continue to learn from you everyday. 


Again, thank you everyone.  It is an honor and a privilege to be your teacher, your partner, your family, your friend.  I love you all!

                                                                                       -Jennifer Davis

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