To the Audience: We would like to thank all of you for coming out to our performances of this special "extra" musical! The past two months have been an incrdible journey working with these young men and women. They have given us many hours of dedicated, hard work and many laughs!! The amount of effort required to bring a show like this to life is immense and the end result is a testament to the students' work ethics. All of you should be extrememly proud of your children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and family friends. WE definitely are!!
To the Cast: We tried to come up with words to express our gratitude to each of you for all of your hard work in this endeavor, but words fall short of how we feel. It was a joy for us to be with you all for this "bonus" musical and we loved every minute of the creative journey. It was great watching you grow into your roles and how you brought characters to life. As always, thank you for being "big brothers and sisters" to Arwen. The three of us won't quite know what to do next week when there are no more musical rehearsals to go to! And despite Winter's best attempts to trip us up along the way, we persevered and we were truly "All In This Together!"
To the 7th-11th graders: Well, back on schedule next year as we prepare for our "normally" scheduled school musical and our 3rd in a row! We hope to work with you again as we bring another musical to life on our stage. There are some very talendted young actors and actresses in this group and we know the next show will be another great success!!
To the Seniors: Seems like just last year we were thanking you for all of your leadership over the years. Well, I guess we get to do it again. THANK YOU for all of the great memories and all of your hard work in productions of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Mamma Mia!, and Shrek. You are a small, but wonderful group of young people and we were so blessed to have you as part of our musical casts over the years! Soon you will all be "Breaking Free" but know that your musical talents and general presence will be missed next year!
Finally, it is always sad when this musical journey comes to an end but we hope you made lasting memories and friendships that will be a part of you for years to come!
Thank you cast for all of the great memories!!!!
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson (and Arwen)