Up the Down Staircase - March 18 - March 19, 2016

Twinsburg High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Mrs. Erin Bennett, M.A. Ed. head shot

    Mrs. Erin Bennett, M.A. Ed.


    Bennett is the Drama Director and advisor for THS. She has taught English and Theatre for twenty years in both Akron and Cuyahoga Falls. Bennett has directed for several community theaters including Weathervane Playhouse in Akron. She has been a resident teaching artist at the Cleveland Play House. The teacher who influenced her the most was Ms. Susan Greathouse; she taught Bennett to be a lifelong learner while doing what she loves. This production is dedicated to the memory of Ms. G - the wind beneath Bennett's wings!

  • Kirsten

    Kirsten "Kix" Nicole

    Technical Director

    University of Akron Theatre major. Mixed Media Artist and Co-Artistic Director of Rubber City Theater Co. Technical Director and Production Designer of Ma' Sue Productions, Wandering Aesthetics and Assistant Tech at New World Performance Lab. Kix has currently been presenting workshops on set design and technical directing at various locations as well as working on many productions.

  • Tyra Teague head shot

    Tyra Teague

    Stage Manager

    Tyra Teague (Assistant Stage Manager) is a junior at THS. This is her 7th production with the Twinsburg Drama Club. In her free time, Tyra takes part in many extracurricular activities. She is very proud of the cast and hopes you all enjoy the show!

  • Madeline Sudnick head shot

    Madeline Sudnick

    Assistant Stage Manager

    Madeline Sudnick is a junior. She is looking forward to the show, everyone has worked so hard. She would like to thank all her friends for putting up with her while she worked on both this show and RBC's HONK!. She would also like to tell Erik: don't cry, craft! She has had so many wonderful teachers in her life, she doesn't know who to pick, so thank you to Mrs. Mlakar and Mrs. Thomas!

  • Alex Flauto head shot

    Alex Flauto

    House Manager

    Alex Flauto, a sophomore, is ecstatic to be house managing this show! He has been in six shows. He would like to thank Daysha for co-house managing. He would also like to thank many of the seniors who made him feel welcome to the club! His favorite teachers are Eve Cervenka (she counts) for teaching him how to house manage and Zhang Laoshi for putting up with his class.

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