Amanda Polk (TCTC Logo), Joe Norton at Broadway Cares, Dan Goggin, The Galloway Family, The Gersten Family, The Tilford Family, Sherrika Ellison, Harry Dankowicz, Doug Rokke, Janet Bercovitz, Sister Mary Elephant, Barrington Coleman, Becca at Samuel French, Unity High School Drama Department, Bill Jean, Phil Morrison, Jan Weber, Malia Andrus, Parkland College, CUTC, The Nuns at St Ann's Parish Cadillac Mi, Carol Kushion, Dallas Street, Brian Morgan,Tanya Haenny,The Cadillac Footliters for the loan of Sister Mary Annette, Monsignor Edwin Thome, Aaron Kaplan, Jeff Grant and Fluid Events.
Without your help and support Twin City Squared would not be possible. Again, thank you!
John Tilford- President
Michael Galloway- Vice President
Garth Gersten- Secretary/Treasurer
Want to be a part of TCTC?
We are looking for:
Box Office Help
Set Builders
and much more!!
If interested contact John Tilford
at or 217-353-5282