Allyson Baugher
Assistant Stage Manager
Allyson is currently a sophomore this year, and this is her second musical She had so much fun with Bye Bye Birdie last year; she's looking forward to another Turner Ashby musical! Besides TA Drama, Allyson loves reading and spending time with friends. She hopes you enjoy the show as much as she does!
Leah Blankenship
Lobby Decorations
Leah is a sophomore this year at TA, and this is her first time helping out with musical! She is currently a member of the TA Singers and enormously enjoys music. Besides school activities, Leah loves spending time inside for reading and baking. Leah would like to thank her family for their support and hopes you enjoy the show!
Kylie Britt
Makeup Crew
Kylie Britt is a junior attending both TA and Massanutten Regional Governor's School. This is her first musical, but has previously been in two other productions. Besides theatre, Kylie enjoys swimming, blogging, and participating in Forensics and Scholastic Bowl here at school. Her biggest influence in acting is Joss Whedon and her personal love for cinematography. She hopes you enjoy she show!
Colleen Byers
Publicity Crew/Stage Crew
Colleen is a sophomore, and this is her first musical at TA. She previously helped with the production of Annie Jr. at Pence Middle School. Colleen is a Turner Ashby Marching Knight and is in the Wind Ensemble here at TA. She wants to welcome you to tonight's performance!
Dominque Dean
Prop Crew/Stage Crew
Dominique is currently a sophomore at TA. This is her first production, and she is really excited to join the tech crew! Dominique loves parkour, fencing, and spending time with her friends. Dominique would like to thank her mother and father for being supportive in her decision to be a part of musical and for driving her to and from rehearsal!