Thank you for joining us,
When I first heard about Dogfight, I had no clue what a beautiful piece of work it was. I listened to a song or two, and realized that the songs had the power to remain in your head for days on end. When I listened to the rest of the score, I was not surprised to find, that held true for most of the songs. In learning more about the story, I was touched by the deeper meaning behind the storyline. Sure, the plot is about a bunch of jarheads planning a Dogfight party to see who can bring the ugliest girl and win some money. However, that's not the real meaning behind this powerful musical. The true meaning lies in the lessons learned throughout the show...friendship, compassion, understanding, courage, confidence...things we all struggle with at one time or another in our lives. We've all done something that we're not proud of, we've all had moments we could never have braved without out friends by our side, we've all had a time when we were able to push past our insecurities and proudly watched our confidence grow. These feelings are relatable, these feelings are real. That's what made me love this musical.
Dogfight is not a love story in the traditional sense, it is not boy meets girl, and they fall in love. It IS a love story in the sense that the characters have the opportunity to grow, to love themselves, to become someone they can be proud one way or another. That they learn to call themselves on their own bullshit, and accept themselves for who they are. The fact that this show can be as breathtaking as it is, while still dealing with things such as fear, pain, loss, and darkness is what caught me. That's what stays with me long after we've all left the theatre for the evening.
I have been blessed to take this journey with an incredible cast & crew. The production you are about to see would not have been possible without the help and talents shared by each and every one of them. From building the set, to bringing together a fantastic band, and being lucky enough to have had the cast I have wander into my auditions back in March. I am deeply thankful to all of them. Truly.
With a show of this nature, I would be remiss if I did not mention the many soldiers past and present that have put on a uniform, and put themselves in danger to protect our freedoms. Those who fought for us, and continue to do so, to defend and protect us so that we can live our lives doing what we love. Making music, performing on stage, making memories with those we care most it is important to remember that hope must remain, because this is what they are fighting for. We honor those we've lost, by living to the fullest.
I think it is important to remember that there can be beauty even in the darkness, and I believe Dogfight The Musical teaches us just that. It is a very powerful message, I think. Especially in this world we live in now. It is one to be remembered, and repeated so that we do not forget. Even in the moments we feel hopeless, hope remains.
My hope, is that we do justice to this beautiful piece of art...I truly believe we do.
Welcome to the Dogfight,
Erin Harwood