Fiddler on the Roof - March 06 - March 07, 2020

Troy Area Shs


The entire staff, cast, and crew of Fiddler on the Roof wish to acknowledge the following people and buisnesses that have helped make this production a success!

To them, we say THANK YOU!!!


Parents and Family Members of the Cast and Crew


THS Drama Boosters

Booster President - Tammy Smith

Booster Treasurer - Stephen Beers

Booster Secretary - Anna Morgan Schill


Troy Area School District Faculty, Staff, School Board, and Administration


TJSHS/Commons Custodial Staff


Hoovers Hardware


EVOLUTION of Hair & Body Care


Carrie Geer and CLG Photography


Mark Colton


Alex MacDonald


Tioga Central School Drama Club


Amanda Coughenour & Loyalsock Township HS Drama


Peter Davis


Intro to Theatre Arts Class


Bill Frye


Zane Long


Machenzie Brenza


Laurie Evans & First Citizens Community Bank


Moose's Enterprises


Kathy Close & BRADCO Printers


Canton Independent Sentinel


Towanda Daily Review


Troy Pennysaver


WHGL 100


THS National Honor Society

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