Into The Woods JR. - April 30 - May 02, 2015

Trinity Christian School


This production could not have been possible without the help and support of these important people.




Mrs. Kalyn Pierson- For being there from day one with guidance, an extra creative eye, extraordinary costuming skills, and support in every way imaginable with this production.


Mrs. Kalyn Pierson and Mr. Stephen Boone- For helping to cast this incredible group of students.


Harry and Debby Boone- For unwavering support and for helping with building, moving, and painting set pieces, helping to hang and wire lighting, for being our bovine expert, and for the countless hours you put into this production.


Dr. Lois Campbell- For the hours spent sowing and mending costumes, and for being at the ready with a sowing machine in case of emergency.


Mr. Ken Howard and Mrs. Inez Hill- For your continued support of the arts and specifically the drama department this year.


Devoted Cast and Crew Parents- For allowing your children to participate in the production, for the countless trips you made to get your children to and from rehearsals, and for your continued support of your students and the drama department.


Mrs. Amy Hagedorn- For helping with ticket sales and reservations.


Mrs. Jeannine Kelley and Mrs. Beth Barill- For helping with publicity and getting the word out.


Mr. Jeff Roth and Mrs. Kris Ervin- For your support and maintenance of the school and facilities and for making Trinity a welcoming and clean environment to host a performance.


Ms. Katie Spenik- For your support and help with painting sets.

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