Cast in order of appearance
George Banks
Gabriel Bragg
Winifred Banks
Emma Edwards
Katie Nanna
Rebecca Coombe
Policeman/Mr. VonHussler
Christopher Barr
Miss Lark/Miss Smythe
Emily Starner
Admiral Boom/Bank Chairman
Christopher DiToro
Mrs. Brill
Theresa Conway
Robertson Ay
Scott Cevallos
Mary Poppins
Juliette Eddings
Park Keeper/Mr. Northbrook
Michael Babcock
Bird Lady/Queen Victoria
Samantha Raymond
Mrs. Corry
Giovanna Lauria
Samantha Morgan
Mr. Punch/Messenger
Patrick Kelly
Wiloughby the Dog
Hercules Cockshutte
Production / Creative
Regina Hartman
Musical Director
Matthew Weyant
Pit Band Director
Kaitlyn Thietje
Technical Director
Phil Pompeii
Tara Berescik