We want to recognize all of the people who work so hard to produce our musicals: the actors, band members, tech crew, stagecraft crew, and parents for their support.
Also Special Thanks to:
Christine Knight and the Carihi Theatre department for the loan of costumes.
Heather Gordon Murphy and The Raincoast School of Musical Theatre for the loan of costumes.
Laird Ruehlen and Christine Middleton for being a very supportive admin team at Timberline.
James Lewis for his expertise in broadcasting tech and building sets.
Paul Klein for his help and expertise in building sets.
Gordon Jaques, who is always ready to answer our questions about lighting in the theater.
Hugh Schmid, for always making sure that our sound system works.
Many Thanks to Dee Gale who makes our sets looking so good.
Thanks to Jeannette Beauregard for helping with Winnifred's dresses.