Reiley Snavely^
Stage Manager
Reiley Snavely is a senior and this is her 7th show here at Timberland, her 3rd show Stage Managing, her 2nd year as a Thespian Officer, and 1st year as President of Thespians. Reiley would like to thank her family for supporting her in what she loves, Queen for giving her this opportunity, and her brother, for bringing his all as Shrek and making her proud. She hopes you all enjoy the show!
Alexis Pearson^
Tech Crew Head
Alexis Pearson is a senior and this is her fifth production at Timberland. She is the current head of crew and plans on continuing her career in the arts throughout college. For her final musical, she is grateful for the hard work and dedication of the cast and crew, as well as Ms. Queen's expertise as a director and undying devotion to make a great show.
Addison Collier^
This is Addison Collier, this is her 2nd year Assistant Stage Managing. She enjoys theatre because of the people in it and the overall experience of putting on a production. Also, do her a favor and go check out Jenna Wilson and Carter Grave's bio. (:
Hadley Poole^
This is Hadley’s third show at Timberland high school. Her first show was A Night Of Laughs where she participated in running crew. The next show, Star Witness, she was asked to become assistant stage manager along with Addie Collier. She is very eager to continue her role in the theatre program. She would like to thank everyone for the work and dedication they've put into this show.
Lexi Balogh^
Lexi Balogh is a senior. This is the fifth show that she has participated in at Timberland and her second year as a thespian officer. She is a part of the stage crew. She would like to thank all of her theatre family for making so many good memories with her.