West Side Story - May 10 - May 11, 2019

Thomas Jefferson High School (San Antonio, Texas)


The entire cast and crew of WEST SIDE STORY would like to extend a very special thanks to the following groups and individuals without whom this production would not have been possible:


  • Ed Garza and the SAISD Board of Trustees
  • Dr. Daniel Laudenback, the SAISD Fine Arts Director
  • James Orozco, SAISD Theatre/Visual Art Coordinator
  • Martha Peterson, SAISD Theatre and Visual Art AIE
  • Ralf Halderman, Jefferson Principal
  • Christopher Stanley, Jefferson Associate Principal of IB
  • Luis De La Garza, JoAnn Herrington, DeeDee Kristan, Robert Reyes, Jefferson Assistant Principals
  • Angie Koebke, Irene Campos, Patty Martinez, TJHS Office staff
  • Toni Perez and the Jefferson Custodial staff (You are AMAZING!)
  • Jefferson Fine Arts Department and Instructors: Band, Choir, Orchestra, Mariachi, Art, Dance, Theatre. 
  • Jefferson HS Faculty
  • Jefferson Alumni Associations
  • Jefferson Thespian Boosters Officers: Ana Cortez, President; Gilda Cantu, Vice-President; Melody Moron, Secretary; Michelle Garcia, Treasurer.
  • Thomas Jefferson High School Alumni Association: Jay Adams, President, Garrett Jackson, Vice-President; Carolyn Mazuca, Secretary; & Layla Hausner, Treasurer
  • Jefferson Thespian Booster Parents
  • Michael Ramirez & the Brackenridge High School Print Shop/Copy Center
  • Cheryl Hanson, Brackenridge HS Theatre
  • Michele Wisniewski, Burbank HS Theatre
  • Our families who support and allow us to do what we do: Tommy P. Richardson, Sr. & Judy Richardson, Lauren Hunt, Cole Phillips & Makenna Phillips, Eduardo Funes, John Olivo, Chris Olivo. We love you all!
  • To all educators and parents who have supported the directors and students throughout our lives. We could not have done this without your knowledge, love, and support!
  • And lastly, but foremost in this director's heart, the Production Staff Educators of West Side Story. Each of you made this production possible and I am deeply grateful for your contribution, knowledge, time, expertise, and energy spent on this production. I appreciate each of you and I am honored to work with you: Cristina, Max, Nathan, Mary, Ronnie, Jonathan, Ana, & Jackie. 

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