Notes from the Director
It's hard to stand alone. It can be even more difficult to stand up for what you believe is right in the face of eleven others telling you that you're wrong. Twelve Angry Jurors follows a jury's deliberation of a murder trial and how one woman changes the fate of a boy's life.
When I came to Thomas Jefferson this year, I constantly heard from students that they had never performed a dramatic play. I made the decision right then and there that we would perform something serious before the end of the year. Twelve Angry Jurors is a play and movie I've loved for a long time. It's message of standing up for what you believe in rings true even 65 years later.
While the material of the show may be serious, working on creating this production has been fun and engaging in so many ways. From creating the set design and going with the black and white color pallette with my technical theater class to delving into the characters and what drives them with the cast, I've enjoyed all the opportunities working on this show has given us.
With this being the final show of the year, I want to give a shoutout to our seniors. Whether you've been involved in drama for your entire high school career or just joined our journey with this production, you have had a profound impact on the department, this show, and everyone you've met along the way. Always remember, you are important and will always have a home as a part of TJ Drama. Thank you for all you've done and good luck in all your future endeavors.
Finally, a few thanks yous:
Matt Schmidt and Christy Arthur - Thank you for offering to help and being there whenever I need you. Even if I don't always accept it, know that your help is always appreciated.
TJ Admin and Office Staff - Thank you for supporting our programs and giving us opportunities to try new things. Thank you for all the behind the scenes work that you do that helps to make these shows a success.
TJ Custodial Staff - Thank you for helping to keep our program running and me sane through long nights of work.
Tradeworks - Thank you for your advice in building the show and graciously lending us tools we need to build our set.
My Family - Thank you for your help in building this show and being a support system for me when I need it.
My Tech Theatre Class - Thank you for all the work you put in to helping make the show. Working with you all this semester has been a blast. You've had so much energy and enthusiasm to put this show together; it's been refreshing to help you do so.
Parents/Guardians of all the students involved in the show - Thank you for allowing your students to be a part of this production. Without your support, none of this would be possible.