Mean Girls: High School Edition - February 01 - February 03, 2024

Theodore Roosevelt High School

 End Notes 



Welcome to Roosevelt Fine Arts 2024 Musical, Mean Girls (HS Version)!  This year’s musical is truly a TR all Fine Arts production, utilizing the talents of students in each of the disciplines of Theatre, Dance, Choir, Band, Orchestra, and Art.  Every year, the musical is the single largest production we stage in our auditorium, encompassing huge hours of rehearsal and behind the scenes work to create the two hours of performance you will see today.  Educationally, the musical acts as its own class, teaching students a myriad of practical skills that are invaluable in both their personal and artistic development.  Beyond that, the many hours of work and--sometimes literally--blood, sweat and tears,  teach students the rewards of dedication and commitment to something larger than themselves as well as the joy of collaboration & formation of newfound bonds and friendships with fellow castmates.


This year’s show is no different in those respects.  Mean Girls, beginning with its 2004 movie starring Lindsey Lohan, has remained a cultural touchstone that still holds appeal for teens not even alive in early 2000’s.  More recently it became a hit Broadway musical and is currently on screen again as yet another movie musical adaptation.  In short, this thing has legs.  Our show features the same lessons of acceptance of differences and the need to positively support one another that is ultimately thematic of the script.  We hope you enjoy the high energy & difficult choreography, the exciting pop oriented music and vocal performances, and the incredibly strong acting ability of our student cast.  


Thank you again for supporting the Fine Arts at TR by virtue of your attendance at this show.  We truly believe the study and pursuit of Art in all its forms is what truly makes us human and provides a depth of empathy, creativity, and spirit that will remain with students long after this production and follow them in whatever direction their future takes them.  Please continue to support our Fine Arts programs this semester with their various performances and displays.  But for now, just please ENJOY THE SHOW!!!


Mr. Thompson

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