Production Staff
Executive Producer
Theatre with a Twist, Inc
Robin Wilson
Assistant Director/ Choreographer
Jessie Brissenden, Mary Crowley
Clark University Intern/ Stage Manager
Nat Solomon
Theatre Assistant
Bridget Duggan, Lindsey Wolfson
Set Construction
Robin Wilson, Jessie Brissenden
Sound and Lights Set-up
Robin Wilson
Sound Execution
Robin Wilson
Mary Crowley, David Devens, Tanya Christensen
Stage Crew
Mary Crowley, Jessie Brissenden, Nat Solomon, Lindsey Wolfson, Bridget Duggan, other Parents
Mary Crowley, Bridget Duggan
Front of House
Mary Spinosa, Robert Wilson
Concord Flower Shop & Carolyn Halloran
Many thanks to those parents and families who helped out
with this show! We could not have done it without
your assistance. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy
the theatre experience with your children!
Theatre with a Twist Board of Directors
Mary Spinosa
Jonathan Kerr
Robin Wilson
Paul Bourget
Adam Duggan
Jennifer Avery-Burdett
Andrea Kenneally
Carlo Castronovo