West Side Story - August 03 - August 06, 2016

Theatre Out Reach On Stage

 End Notes 

Message from the Director of the Near North Distract School Board 


As we head into this year's season for Toros and the magnificent West Side Story I am reminded of how integral theatre and in particular musical theatre is to our board and to this area. 


As you all know, the learning, team building, leadership skills, and desire to push oneself beyond a personal comfort zone is all inherent to these types of productions.  Whether you are working on stage or prefer to be part of set design and/or in the background one need only not have a particular prop where it is supposed to be to understand the value  of all players and the necessary  interdependency amongst the group.  Every single person plays a key role in making this come alive and be the best it can possibly be.  No pun intended but there are many unsung heroes that are integral to the success of West Side Story from beginning to end.


Once again we are blessed to be able to work alongside the beautiful Capitol Centre to present these remarkable productions.  It is so hard to believe that this particular group of students, who may not even have known each other, are able to present such a remarkable show in a few short months.  It is also hard to imagine presenting this work in any other setting!


A heartfelt and sincere thank you to the production team and adult leaders who have given up their time in the summer to take part in the Toros program.  We couldn't move forward and offer these unique experiences without your efforts!


To the players: These are the things that memories are made of and I sincerely hope that you all have taken some time to reflect on your own growth and what this experience has done for you as a young adult.  I know that some of my best times in my own high school career can be traced back to the productions I was lucky enough to be a part of.


Break a leg,

Jackie Young

Director of the Near North District School Board

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