45 Seconds from Broadway - June 28 - July 14, 2019

Theatre Knoxville Downtown


Special Thanks: Charles Denney, Jessica Whitmill, Randy Thompson, Greg Knox, Tony Mendez, Lisa Hatmaker, Alex Linton, Brandon Sartain, Lisa Silverman, Harrison Young, Bev Jones, Brandon Daughtry Slocum, Laura Beth Wells, Jeri Waddell, Rebecca Gomez, Matt Sanders, Annaka Crabtree, Pook Pfaffe, The Concourse & Christian Rue, David Ratliff


Web and Print Photography by Sayrah Shea



Every tax-deductible contribution to TKD is greatly appreciated! We'll thank you by listing your name in each show's program and by providing one or more season tickets for Sustainers and above.


2018-2019 Regular Season Suppporters


Contributor ($100)

Jeanne and Phillip Drone

Susan Justice

Rita Lund

Al and Joanne Shuetz


Sustainer ($250)

Jeff Johnston 

Lisa Wise


Donor ($500)


Full details at http://support.theatreknoxville.com



As a 501(c)3 organization, donations to TKD are tax deductible to the extent permissible by law.


YES! I will support Theatre Knoxville Downtown



_____________________            ____________________

Name                                          Amount





Check one ____ Season Supporter   ____ Second Act Campaign



Second Act Donors

 "Gerry Jack's Gang"

Alan Jack

Gary and Susan Kiefer

Joe and Shann Lawson

Carolyn Roos

Gary Scealf

Lynn and William Stutts

Marilyn and Jeff Turner

David Williams

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